We carry all types of personal vaporizers (dry, concentrate, e liquid), including portable and table top units, sub ohm tanks, pen style and mod batteries, and many more. If these terms confuse you come in and let one of us help you pick out your next personal vaporizer, we carry top brands at competitive prices.
Vape batteries are one of the key parts of the vape experience. We provide a wide selection of wholesale 18650, 21700, and 26550 from trusted brands such as Samsung, Listman, Smok Tech and many others.
The tank is the part that creates the vapor. By transfering power from the battery into a coil or "attomizer" your liquid is instantly turned to steam or vapor as you inhale. Tanks come in many shapes sizes and colors and everyone functions a little different or takes a different coil/attomizer. These are usually universal fitting and will work with most batteries.
Liquids are the main ingredient,
composed of two main parts PG & VG.
PG(propeleyne glycol) - VG(vegetable glycerine).
Along with food grade flavor extracts and nicotine conentrate. Full of unique flavors and cloud consitency, liquids are very individual. Any liquid should work with any tank, some may work better though.
Use special caution when working with Li-ion (Lithium-ion), LiPo (Lithium-ion Polymer) and any rechargeable cells, as they are very sensitive to charging characteristics and may explode or burn if mishandled. Make sure the user has enough knowledge of Li-Ion (Lithium-ion), LiPo (Lithium-ion Polymer) and any rechargeable cells in charging, discharging, assembly and storage before use.
Always charge in/on a fire-proof surface.
Never leave charging batteries unattended.
Do not use any rechargeable battery or battery charger if any visible damage is present.
Always store and transport rechargeable cells in a safe, non-conductive container.
Dispose of all battery cells and chargers in accordance to local laws and mandates.
Mojo's Smokes & Gifts LLC. will not be held responsible or liable for any injury, damage, or defect, permanent or temporary that may be caused by the improper use of a Li-ion (Lithium-ion), LiPo (Lithium-ion Polymer) and any rechargeable battery/batteries. Please have a basic understanding of the batteries you are using and how to care for them properly.